Tulsa gay bars

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They are businessmen and entrepreneurs. They are workers and they are retired. Prime Timers are fathers and care givers.

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Prime Timers involve themselves in their community with volunteerism, politics, gay issues, arts, entertainment and every other facet of healthy living. No single definition can describe Prime Timers, as they come from all walks of life. Our members are men who choose to have their social lives enriched by the diverse activities in which our members engage. Currently this organization has grown to more than 76 chapters worldwide, located throughout North America, Canada and Australia.

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Woody took this as an indication of the need for social and cultural organizations to support the aging gay and bisexual man. Prime Timers was founded by retired professor Woody Baldwin. He recognized a wide gap existed in today's society which caters almost exclusively to youth. This worship of eternal youth is never more flagrant than in the gay culture. Woody began the Boston Chapter by placing ads in local newspapers and soliciting his many friends. He expected only a small handful of men to attend the first meeting and was surprised when over 40 showed up.

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